Time to Strengthen our Wei Qi


Did you know that right now is actually the best time to strengthen your immune system. While some of our kids remain home some may be returning to school, there are things we can all do to help support our health during this transition. 

In my practice it is especially important for kids and people with low immunity or those who frequently catch colds and flus. We do what we can during the cold/flu season and emphasize treatments to prevent secondary infections like ear, sinus, and respiratory diseases, but now we have more time and space to make profound changes. There are always things we can do if we feel a cold coming on like taking extra vitamin C and drinking ginger tea, but building our immune system and improving our viral resilience doesn’t happen overnight. It’s like working out, we can’t expect that if we work really hard for a week that we will suddenly be physically fit. When we are building or rebuilding our immune reserve it works best when we do little bits regularly over time, like any good habit. As a mother of two, the days can feel like a chaotic schedule of rushing from school, to work, to meetings, play dates, chores, meal prep, and some fun if we are lucky. 

This school year will look very different for all of us, but I hope it will offer us more time and space to nourish ourselves, our families, and those we love. The practices we create now when our contact with others is reduced will support us during times of increased exposure. When we routinely supply our cells with the essential nutrients they need we create a buffer between ourselves and pathogens (viral or bacterial). 

Natural medicine and herbs work on many different levels of our immune function, from the increased production of T cells and the activation of B cells, to the suppression of viral cells. These systems are incredibly complex and truly awe inspiring. I find it beneficial to look at the whole system through the lens of Chinese Medicine. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) much of our immune function falls under what we call the “Wei Qi” or “Protective Qi.” When our Wei Qi is strong it acts like an invisible shield that protects us from infections such as viruses. The Wei Qi controls the opening of the pores and we can use this metaphor to understand some aspects of our immune function. When our Wei Qi is weak, the pores are more open and our bodies are more open to an attack. So how do we strengthen our Wei Qi so that we can withstand a pathogenic attack? 

We know intuitively getting a good night’s sleep, consuming nutrient-rich foods, and moving our bodies help us stay balanced. However, there are more ways to stay healthy. In TCM the Wei Qi is related to the Lung organ system, so anything we do to strengthen the lungs will strengthen the Wei Qi. For example, practicing breathing meditation, stimulating acupuncture points along the Lung meridian, and using essential oils will all benefit the lungs and the Wei Qi. I am an herbalist trained in TCM so in my practice I primarily use Chinese Herbal Medicine, which has been used for thousands of years and is incredibly effective. 

One of my very favorite formulas to strengthen the Wei Qi is called “Yu Ping Feng San,” translated as “Jade Windscreen,” which was first described by Zhu Danxi approximately 700 years ago. It is used to treat colds and flus and has been shown to produce beneficial immune-modulatory effects preventing bacterial and viral infections. Studies have demonstrated this formulas antiviral effects against influenza virus, human respiratory syncytial virus, and SARS*. The King herb of this formula, Astragalus, was included in the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing from the second century (200-250 C.E.). Today, this herb is more important than ever as we all work to support immune function. In addition to tonifying (strengthening) the protective qi, astragalus benefits the digestion and reduces inflammation. Its gentle upward action lightens the body and limbs and helps us feel more energetic, and less fatigued. It also lifts the mind, improving focus and memory. Astragalus achieves all of this while also being antihypertensive, hematopoietic, hepatoprotective, metabolic, anti-aging, and much more. 

While Yu Ping Feng San and Astragalus are both very beneficial formulas with very low toxicity, it is always important to speak with a licensed herbalist to determine which herbs or formulas will be most effective for you.








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